Edison Argote, Yeast Co Ferment
Quebraditas Farm
Edison Argote
Oporapa, Huila
Yeast Co- Ferment
Pink Bourbon
this coffee man oh man. when we cupped this coffee months ago we knew instantly we needed it! This coffee is unique in the extensive processing it went under ( see below ).
Quebraditas Farm
Edison Argote
Oporapa, Huila
Yeast Co- Ferment
Pink Bourbon
this coffee man oh man. when we cupped this coffee months ago we knew instantly we needed it! This coffee is unique in the extensive processing it went under ( see below ).
Quebraditas Farm
Edison Argote
Oporapa, Huila
Yeast Co- Ferment
Pink Bourbon
this coffee man oh man. when we cupped this coffee months ago we knew instantly we needed it! This coffee is unique in the extensive processing it went under ( see below ).
-Collection: It is carried out guaranteeing a percentage of 80% at least ripe cherry.
-Float: This ensures removing green, overripe cherries and dry.
3. Oxidation: It is carried out in food grade plastic cans for 24 hours.
4. Pulping: dry pulping.
5. Post-pulping oxidation: for 24 hours in order to wash and remove 80% of mucilage
at temperatures of 45°C generating a thermal shock.
6. Fermentation: It is carried out aerobically for 36 hours at temperatures below 25°C with specific yeast.
7. Fermentation completion: After 36 hours the coffee is washed at temperatures of
5°C to seal the fermentation.
8. Drying: After 36 hours of fermentation, the coffee is dried for 76 hours at
temperatures of 40°C on average.
9. Stabilization: It is done in grainpro type bags.